Continental WinterContact TS 860 S SSR 245/40 R20 99V
Passenger car tyre

Where to buy Continental WinterContact TS 860 S SSR 245/40 R20 99V

Currently, the minimum price for Continental WinterContact TS 860 S SSR 245/40 R20 99V is . The graph shows the change in the price of Continental WinterContact TS 860 S SSR 245/40 R20 99V passenger car tire by month. The graph shows the minimum, maximum, and average price of Continental WinterContact TS 860 S SSR 245/40 R20 99V passenger car tire for the last three years for Australia.

Total cost of ownership (TCO)

Information about total cost of ownership.

The approximate cost of owning one Continental WinterContact TS 860 S SSR 245/40 R20 99V tire in the 2000, Sydney, NSW is 547.0$ for a gasoline-powered car at an average consumption of 10.6 liters per 100 km.

The approximate cost of owning one Continental WinterContact TS 860 S SSR 245/40 R20 99V tire in the 2000, Sydney, NSW is 623.43$ for a diesel car at an average consumption of 10.0 liters per 100 km.

The cost of ownership of a tire is calculated for a tire's energy efficiency class based on an average tire mileage of 50,000 km before replacement, rolling resistance that consumes approximately 20% of a vehicle's average fuel consumption, and a 7.5% difference in economy between opposite energy efficiency classes. The cost of ownership of a tire is calculated for the main types of fuel: gasoline, diesel, and electricity. Fuel costs vary from state to state.

The actual cost of ownership for different brands and models of tires of the same energy efficiency class can vary by up to 5%, both up and down.

  • TCO for Gazoline

    Cost of ownership:




  • TCO for Diesel

    Cost of ownership:





The Continental WinterContact TS 860 S SSR 245/40 R20 99V is a high-performance passenger car tire designed specifically for winter driving conditions. With its impressive set of attributes, this tire ensures exceptional performance and safety on icy, snowy, and wet roads. The main features of the Continental WinterContact TS 860 S SSR include: 1. Size: The tire has a size specification of 245/40 R20, making it suitable for larger vehicles with 20-inch rims. 2. Seasonality: As indicated by its name, the WinterContact TS 860 S SSR is specially engineered for use in winter conditions. It provides excellent grip on slippery surfaces like snow and ice, enabling better control and stability when driving in challenging weather. 3. Run-Flat Technology (SSR): This particular model incorporates Continental's innovative Self-Supporting Run-Flat technology (SSR). In case of a puncture or loss of air pressure, these tires allow you to continue driving at reduced speeds for a limited distance to reach a safe location without having to change them immediately. 4. Load Index and Speed Rating: The load index rating of 99 indicates that each tire can support up to approximately 775 kg (1709 lbs) of weight. The speed rating "V" means the tires are capable of maintaining stable performance at speeds up to 240 km/h (149 mph). 5. Tread Design: The tread pattern showcases an optimized design with numerous sipes and grooves that enhance traction on snowy or wet surfaces while effectively evacuating water from the contact area. This reduces the risk of hydroplaning and improves overall handling responsiveness. 6. Enhanced Safety Technologies: The WinterContact TS 860 S SSR incorporates advanced technologies such as Adaptive-Progressive Tire Compound that maintains flexibility even in colder temperatures, resulting in improved braking distances on wintry roads. Overall, the Continental WinterContact TS 860 S SSR 245/40 R20 99V is a premium winter tire


    • Brand


    • Commercial Name

      WinterContact TS 860 S SSR

    • Model


    • Tyre size designation

      245/40 R 20

    • Width


    • Ratio


    • Diameter


    • Fuel efficiency class


    • External rolling noise class


    • Wet grip class


    • Tyre for use in severe snow conditions


    • Speed category symbol


    • Load-capacity index


    • Date on Market

      [2018, 10, 15]

    • External rolling noise (dB)
