Frigidaire FFAD5001U1

Total cost of ownership (TCO)

Information about total cost of ownership.

The estimated cost of ownership for the first year of the Frigidaire FFAD5001U1 dehumidifier is $25.99 for the K1A, Ottawa, ON. The cost of consumed electricity will be $25.99.

Cost of ownership calculation based on 12 hours of dehumidifier operation per day, 365 days per year.

  • TCO for 1 year

    Cost of ownership:


  • TCO for 3 years

    Cost of ownership:


  • TCO for 5 years

    Cost of ownership:


  • TCO for 10 years

    Cost of ownership:



The Frigidaire FFAD5001U1 Portable Dehumidifier is the ultimate solution for anyone looking to eliminate excess moisture from their living space. With a release date of 2019-09-09, this dehumidifier has already become a household name due to its superior technology and performance. This model boasts an impressive energy efficiency rating with an integrated energy factor of 1.8 L/kWh. It can remove up to 50 pints of water per day as per Appendix X1, ensuring that your home remains dry and comfortable throughout the year. Thanks to its compact design, this dehumidifier is perfect for use in any room in your home. Whether you need it for your bedroom or living room, it is easy to move around and adapt according to your specific needs. As part of the Frigidaire family, this model delivers outstanding quality and reliability that you can trust. So why wait? Invest in the Frigidaire FFAD


    • Brand


    • Model


    • Dehumidifier Type

      Portable Dehumidifier

    • Available On Market


    • Dehumidifier Efficiency (Integrated Energy Factor - L/kWh)


    • Dehumidifier Water Removal Capacity (pints/day)


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