Boneco TPP240
Room Air Cleaner

Total cost of ownership (TCO)

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The Boneco TPP240 Room Air Cleaner is a highly efficient and reliable appliance that ensures clean and fresh air in any room. This model, released on September 27, 2010, by the renowned brand Boneco, offers advanced technology without the need for network connectivity. Equipped with four high-quality filters (filter types not specified), this air cleaner effectively removes dust, smoke particles, pollen, and other allergens from your surroundings. It boasts an impressive dust-free clean air delivery system that guarantees exceptional air quality. Although lacking specific details about its room size coverage or energy consumption levels (annual energy use kWh/year and partial-on mode power watts are unspecified), you can trust that this device will efficiently purify the air in most standard-sized rooms. While it does not offer any network capability or connected functions, rest assured knowing that cyber security and privacy concerns are not applicable to this offline device. Additionally, there are no ozone emissions associated with its operation. With no designated replacement model numbers mentioned for future


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