Febreze FHT180W
Room Air Cleaner

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The Febreze FHT180W Room Air Cleaner is a powerful and efficient device designed to improve the air quality in any room. With its sleek design and advanced technology, this air cleaner effectively removes dust, pollen, and smoke particles from the air, ensuring a clean and fresh environment. Featuring innovative filtration system, this air cleaner has four different filter types that work together to capture even the smallest particles. The precise details of each filter type are not specified for this model. Equipped with cutting-edge technology, the Febreze FHT180W offers various features without compromising on performance. Though specific technological features are not mentioned for this model. With its network capability and optional module for network connection (details not provided), you can conveniently control and monitor the device remotely using your smartphone or other smart devices. This Room Air Cleaner does not emit any ozone emissions (measured in ppb) ensuring a safe breathing environment for you and your family. Designed with user convenience in mind, this Feb


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