YOKOHAMA iceGUARD iG60 195/70 R14 91Q
Passenger car tyre

Where to buy YOKOHAMA iceGUARD iG60 195/70 R14 91Q

Currently, the minimum price for YOKOHAMA iceGUARD iG60 195/70 R14 91Q is 108.07. The graph shows the change in the price of YOKOHAMA iceGUARD iG60 195/70 R14 91Q passenger car tire by month. The graph shows the minimum, maximum, and average price of YOKOHAMA iceGUARD iG60 195/70 R14 91Q passenger car tire for the last three years for United Kingdom.

Total cost of ownership (TCO)

Information about total cost of ownership.

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The YOKOHAMA iceGUARD iG60 195/70 R14 91Q is the ultimate winter tyre for those who demand the best in performance and safety. With its advanced technology, this tyre offers superior traction on icy and snowy roads, making it ideal for drivers who live in areas with harsh winter climates. Its commercial name reflects its ability to conquer even the most severe snow conditions, while its energy class of C ensures that it won't consume too much fuel. The aspect ratio of 70 provides a perfect balance between stability and comfort, making every ride smooth and enjoyable. The wet grip class of E guarantees maximum control on wet surfaces, giving you peace of mind when driving in rainy weather. The external rolling noise value of 71 dB ensures minimal disturbance to your surroundings as you cruise along the roadways. This model has an identifier code R2785 which indicates how unique this product is from other models by Yokohama Corporation. Overall, these tyres are a reliable choice for


    • Brand


    • Commercial Name

      iceGUARD iG60

    • Model


    • Tyre size designation


    • Width


    • Ratio


    • Diameter


    • Fuel efficiency class


    • External rolling noise class


    • Wet grip class


    • Tyre for use in severe snow conditions


    • Tyre for use in severe ice conditions


    • Speed category symbol


    • Load-capacity index


    • Date on Market

      [2017, 7, 26]

    • External rolling noise (dB)
