ALTENZO Sports Comforter+ 255/35 R19 96Y
Passenger car tyre

Where to buy ALTENZO Sports Comforter+ 255/35 R19 96Y

Currently, the minimum price for ALTENZO Sports Comforter+ 255/35 R19 96Y is . The graph shows the change in the price of ALTENZO Sports Comforter+ 255/35 R19 96Y passenger car tire by month. The graph shows the minimum, maximum, and average price of ALTENZO Sports Comforter+ 255/35 R19 96Y passenger car tire for the last three years for United Kingdom.

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The ALTENZO Sports Comforter+ 255/35 R19 96Y passenger car tyres are a high-performance option that combines sportiness with comfort. With a width of 255 and a ratio of 35, these tyres offer excellent stability and handling on the road. The diameter of 19 inches adds to the overall stylish look of the vehicle. These tyres belong to the B external rolling noise class, ensuring a quieter ride with an external rolling noise rating of 73 dB. In terms of wet grip, they also fall under the B class, providing reliable traction on wet surfaces. With a fuel efficiency class rating of C, these tyres strike a balance between performance and fuel consumption. They have been designed to maximize energy efficiency without compromising their sporting capabilities. The ALTENZO Sports Comforter+ model (6900532459366) is known for its durability and longevity. It offers exceptional load-carrying capacity with a load-capacity index of 96. Introduced to the market on May 1st, 2021, these tyres are relatively new but have quickly gained popularity among car enthusiasts. They bear the speed category symbol Y, indicating their suitability for high-speed driving. ALTENZO is the trusted brand behind these passenger car tyres. Known for their commitment to quality and innovation in tyre manufacturing, ALTENZO ensures that every driver can enjoy an exhilarating yet comfortable driving experience with their Sports Comforter+ range.


    • Brand


    • Commercial Name

      Sports Comforter+

    • Model


    • Tyre size designation


    • Width


    • Ratio


    • Diameter


    • Fuel efficiency class


    • External rolling noise class


    • Wet grip class


    • Speed category symbol


    • Load-capacity index


    • Date on Market

      [2021, 5, 1]

    • External rolling noise (dB)
