ALTENZO Sports Navigator 275/60 R20 115V
Passenger car tyre

Where to buy ALTENZO Sports Navigator 275/60 R20 115V

Currently, the minimum price for ALTENZO Sports Navigator 275/60 R20 115V is . The graph shows the change in the price of ALTENZO Sports Navigator 275/60 R20 115V passenger car tire by month. The graph shows the minimum, maximum, and average price of ALTENZO Sports Navigator 275/60 R20 115V passenger car tire for the last three years for United Kingdom.

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The ALTENZO Sports Navigator 275/60 R20 115V passenger car tyres are high-performance and reliable. With a width of 275mm and a ratio of 60, these tyres offer excellent stability and handling on the road. The diameter of 20 inches ensures a smooth and comfortable ride. These tyres belong to the B class for external rolling noise, emitting only 72 decibels while in motion. This helps to minimize noise pollution for a quieter driving experience. In terms of wet grip, they also fall under the B class, providing good traction even on wet surfaces. With a fuel efficiency class rating of B, these tyres optimize fuel consumption without compromising performance. They feature a load capacity index of 115, making them suitable for carrying heavy loads with ease. The ALTENZO Sports Navigator tyres have been introduced into the market on May 1st, 2021 (Date on Market). Their model number is 6900532454552 and their commercial name is "Sports Navigator". These tires bear the speed category symbol V, indicating that they can handle speeds up to 240 km/h safely. Overall, ALTENZO has crafted these passenger car tyres with precision engineering to deliver superior performance and durability under various road conditions.


    • Brand


    • Commercial Name

      Sports Navigator

    • Model


    • Tyre size designation


    • Width


    • Ratio


    • Diameter


    • Fuel efficiency class


    • External rolling noise class


    • Wet grip class


    • Speed category symbol


    • Load-capacity index


    • Date on Market

      [2021, 5, 1]

    • External rolling noise (dB)
