PHILIPS 8718291216872 W lm
Light Fixture

Where to buy PHILIPS 8718291216872 W lm

Currently, the minimum price for PHILIPS 8718291216872 is 8.95. The graph shows the change in the price of a light fixture in United Kingdom by month. The graph shows the minimum, maximum and average price of PHILIPS 8718291216872 over the last three years for United Kingdom.

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This PHILIPS light fixture boasts a powerful 8718291216872 W output, providing bright illumination for any space. With an impressive lm rating, this fixture is sure to brighten up your room with ease. Its sleek design and efficient performance make it a must-have for any modern home or office setting.


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      [2012, 9, 6]

    • Weighted Energy Consumption (Ec) (kW/1000h)


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