Bridgestone ALENZA 001 285/45 R20 108W
Passenger car tyre

Where to buy Bridgestone ALENZA 001 285/45 R20 108W

Currently, the minimum price for Bridgestone ALENZA 001 285/45 R20 108W is 251.89. The graph shows the change in the price of Bridgestone ALENZA 001 285/45 R20 108W passenger car tire by month. The graph shows the minimum, maximum, and average price of Bridgestone ALENZA 001 285/45 R20 108W passenger car tire for the last three years for Ireland.

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The Bridgestone ALENZA 001 285/45 R20 108W passenger car tyres are a top-of-the-line product designed for drivers who demand the ultimate in performance and safety. With an energy class rating of B, these tyres offer exceptional fuel efficiency while still delivering superior handling and traction on wet or dry roads. Featuring a tyre section width of 285 and an aspect ratio of 45, these tyres provide excellent stability at high speeds, making them ideal for sports cars and luxury sedans. The rim diameter is 20 inches, ensuring a perfect fit with most modern vehicles. In addition to their impressive performance capabilities, these tyres also come equipped with advanced safety features such as an external rolling noise value of just 71 decibels and a wet grip class rating of A. This means that you can drive confidently in any weather conditions without having to worry about losing control or experiencing excessive road noise. Overall, if you're looking for high-quality passenger car tyres that offer


    • Brand


    • Commercial Name

      ALENZA 001

    • Model


    • Tyre size designation

      285/45 R20

    • Width


    • Ratio


    • Diameter


    • Fuel efficiency class


    • External rolling noise class


    • Wet grip class


    • Speed category symbol


    • Load-capacity index


    • Date on Market

      [2018, 10, 1]

    • External rolling noise (dB)
