ALTENZO Sports Equator 195/65 R15 91V
Passenger car tyre

Where to buy ALTENZO Sports Equator 195/65 R15 91V

Currently, the minimum price for ALTENZO Sports Equator 195/65 R15 91V is . The graph shows the change in the price of ALTENZO Sports Equator 195/65 R15 91V passenger car tire by month. The graph shows the minimum, maximum, and average price of ALTENZO Sports Equator 195/65 R15 91V passenger car tire for the last three years for Ireland.

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The ALTENZO Sports Equator 195/65 R15 91V passenger car tyres are high-performance and designed for optimum performance on the road. With a sleek design and advanced technology, these tyres provide excellent traction and control in both wet and dry conditions. Featuring a width of 195mm and a diameter of 15 inches, these tyres offer a perfect balance between comfort and handling. The load-capacity index of 91 ensures stability even under heavy loads. In terms of fuel efficiency, these tyres have been classified as class C. This means they deliver decent mileage while still providing exceptional performance. Additionally, their external rolling noise is rated at around 70dB, placing them in class B for reduced noise emissions. The ALTENZO Sports Equator tyres have undergone rigorous testing to achieve their impressive wet grip classification of B. They excel in maintaining traction on wet surfaces, ensuring safety during rainy weather or when driving through puddles. These tyres bear the model number "6900532450257" and belong to the renowned ALTENZO brand known for its commitment to quality and innovation. The commercial name given to this tyre line is "Sports Equator," highlighting their sporty characteristics. With a speed category symbol V, these tyres are suitable for vehicles with maximum speeds up to 240 km/h (149 mph). Their date on market was May 1st, 2021, indicating that they are the latest addition to ALTENZO's range of premium passenger car tyres.


    • Brand


    • Commercial Name

      Sports Equator

    • Model


    • Tyre size designation


    • Width


    • Ratio


    • Diameter


    • Fuel efficiency class


    • External rolling noise class


    • Wet grip class


    • Speed category symbol


    • Load-capacity index


    • Date on Market

      [2021, 5, 1]

    • External rolling noise (dB)
