LEDVANCE-OSRAM 4058075118218 W lm
Light Fixture

Where to buy LEDVANCE-OSRAM 4058075118218 W lm

The graph shows the change in the price of a light fixture in Turkey by month. The graph shows the minimum, maximum and average price of LEDVANCE-OSRAM 4058075118218 over the last three years for Turkey.

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The LEDVANCE-OSRAM 4058075118218 Light Fixture is a high-quality, energy-efficient lighting solution that provides 4000 lumens of bright white light. With an adjustable color temperature and dimmable capabilities, this fixture offers versatility for any space. The sleek design and durable construction make it suitable for both residential and commercial applications. Easy to install and low maintenance, this LED fixture is the perfect choice for modern lighting needs.


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    • Energy Class


    • Available On Market

      [2019, 6, 21]

    • Weighted Energy Consumption (Ec) (kW/1000h)

