Sanden Vendo America Inc 821
Vending machine

  • Price:

  • Taxes:


    *Tax rates for District of Columbia

  • Rebates:

    Currently unavailable

    *Rebates for 20003, Washington, District of Columbia

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  • Annual cost of ownership:

    Currently unavailable

    *Annual cost of ownership for District of Columbia

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Total cost of ownership (TCO)

Information about total cost of ownership.



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Bring the warm ambience of fire into your great outdoors with this adaptable hosting table. The Vendome fire table incorporates neutral design elements and durable materials to create a final product which will wow your guests while providing full adaptability. The table features a concealed propane integrated fire starter and dimming switch and removable lid that can cover the fire element when not in use. The finish of the table is also UV protected.


    • Available On Market

