Comfort Aire BCD-50A

Total cost of ownership (TCO)

Information about total cost of ownership.

The estimated cost of ownership for the first year of the Comfort Aire BCD-50A dehumidifier is $27.51 for the 43215, Columbus, OH. The cost of consumed electricity will be $27.51.

Cost of ownership calculation based on 12 hours of dehumidifier operation per day, 365 days per year.

  • TCO for 1 year

    Cost of ownership:


  • TCO for 3 years

    Cost of ownership:


  • TCO for 5 years

    Cost of ownership:


  • TCO for 10 years

    Cost of ownership:



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Introducing the Comfort Aire BCD-50A Portable Dehumidifier! This innovative appliance is designed to keep your home feeling fresh and comfortable all year round. With an integrated energy factor of 1.95 L/kWh, this dehumidifier is highly efficient and will help you save on energy costs. It's capable of removing up to 49.58 pints of water per day, making it perfect for use in larger rooms or basements. The Comfort Aire BCD-50A features a sleek design that blends seamlessly into any decor, and it's easy to move from room to room thanks to its lightweight construction. Whether you're dealing with excess humidity during the summer months or trying to prevent mold growth during the winter, this dehumidifier has got you covered. So why wait? Make your home more comfortable today with the Comfort Aire BCD-50A Portable Dehumidifier!


    • Brand

      Comfort Aire

    • Model


    • Dehumidifier Type

      Portable Dehumidifier

    • Available On Market


    • Dehumidifier Efficiency (Integrated Energy Factor - L/kWh)


    • Dehumidifier Water Removal Capacity (pints/day)


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