Boneco P500 S
Room Air Cleaner

  • Price:

    10.99$ - 399.99$

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  • Taxes:

    0.63$ - 23.0$

    *Tax rates for Ohio

  • Rebates:

    Currently unavailable

    *Rebates for 43215, Columbus, Ohio

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  • Annual cost of ownership:

    Currently unavailable

    *Annual cost of ownership for Ohio

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The Boneco P500 S Room Air Cleaner is a high-quality product from the renowned brand, Boneco. With its sleek design and advanced features, it offers exceptional air purification for any room size. Equipped with cutting-edge technology, this model ensures clean and fresh indoor air without compromising on performance. One of the standout features of the Boneco P500 S is its highly efficient filtration system. Although specific filter types are not mentioned, rest assured that this air cleaner can effectively capture various airborne pollutants such as dust, smoke, pollen, and more. It guarantees a dust-free and pollen-free clean air delivery to create a healthier environment for you and your family. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive controls, operating the Boneco P500 S is effortless. You can easily customize settings according to your preferences or let it automatically adjust based on the current air quality conditions in your space. Additionally, this room air cleaner boasts a low energy consumption rate thanks to its innovative design. While no exact annual energy use


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      P500 S

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