RADAR ARGONITE RV-4 225/75 R16 121R
Light commercial vehicle tire

Where to buy RADAR ARGONITE RV-4 225/75 R16 121R

Currently, the minimum price for RADAR ARGONITE RV-4 225/75 R16 121R is . The graph shows the change in price of United States tire for RADAR ARGONITE RV-4 225/75 R16 121R light commercial vehicle by month. The graph shows the minimum, maximum and average price of RADAR ARGONITE RV-4 225/75 R16 121R tire over the last three years for United States.

Total cost of ownership (TCO)

Information about total cost of ownership.

The approximate cost of owning one RADAR ARGONITE RV-4 225/75 R16 121R tire in the 43215, Columbus, OH is $81.98 for an electric car at an average consumption of 34.6 kWh per 100 miles.

The approximate cost of owning one RADAR ARGONITE RV-4 225/75 R16 121R tire in the 43215, Columbus, OH is $120.29 for a gasoline-powered car at an average consumption of 2.38 gallons per 100 miles.

The approximate cost of owning one RADAR ARGONITE RV-4 225/75 R16 121R tire in the 43215, Columbus, OH is $134.97 for a diesel car at an average consumption of 2.1 gallons per 100 miles.

The cost of ownership of a tire is calculated for a tire's energy efficiency class based on an average tire mileage of 30,000 miles before replacement, rolling resistance that consumes approximately 20% of a vehicle's average fuel consumption, and a 7.5% difference in economy between opposite energy efficiency classes. The cost of ownership of a tire is calculated for the main types of fuel: gasoline, diesel, and electricity. Fuel costs vary from state to state.

The actual cost of ownership for different brands and models of tires of the same energy efficiency class can vary by up to 5%, both up and down.

  • TCO for Gazoline

    Cost of ownership:




  • TCO for Diesel

    Cost of ownership:




  • TCO for Electricity

    Cost of ownership:





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Features include: A combination of exceptionally long wearing tread compound, robust construction, and class-beating pattern depth ensures good mileage; Tread is designed for use in warmer weather; Optimized sidewall protector design extends the life of the tire by protecting the casing from curbing and sidewall damage; Black sidewall; Reinforced and robust construction enables confident handling at highway speeds and easy maneuverability at low speeds; Robust construction and durable tread compound work together to ensure a long service life; Commercial van drivers often need a tire that not only performs, but is built to last. Consider the Argonite RV-4 from Radar, which is built with a long wearing rubber compound and a robust construction for a longer service life. An optimized sidewall protector design protects the casing from curbing and sidewall damage, and the Argonite RV-4's reinforced construction allows for strong handling at highway speeds, and easy maneuverability at lower speeds. - 225x75R16C 121/120R Radar Argonite RV-4 Light Truck All Season Tires, part number RGD0044


    • Brand


    • Commercial Name


    • Model


    • Tyre size designation


    • Width


    • Ratio


    • Diameter


    • Fuel efficiency class


    • External rolling noise class


    • Wet grip class


    • Speed category symbol


    • Load-capacity index


    • Date on Market

      [2017, 7, 11]

    • External rolling noise (dB)


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