Emerson Quiet Kool EBD35E1J

Total cost of ownership (TCO)

Information about total cost of ownership.

The estimated cost of ownership for the first year of the Emerson Quiet Kool EBD35E1J dehumidifier is $20.62 for the 43215, Columbus, OH. The cost of consumed electricity will be $20.62.

Cost of ownership calculation based on 12 hours of dehumidifier operation per day, 365 days per year.

  • TCO for 1 year

    Cost of ownership:


  • TCO for 3 years

    Cost of ownership:


  • TCO for 5 years

    Cost of ownership:


  • TCO for 10 years

    Cost of ownership:



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Introducing the Emerson Quiet Kool EBD35E1J, a portable dehumidifier that will revolutionize your home's humidity control! With an impressive water removal capacity of 35.63 pints per day, this unit is perfect for small to medium-sized rooms. The integrated energy factor of 1.87 ensures efficient operation while maintaining a quiet environment. This top-of-the-line dehumidifier from Emerson Quiet Kool is designed with cutting-edge technology and is built to last. Its sleek design and compact size make it easy to move around your home as needed, ensuring that every room stays comfortable and dry. Available on the market starting August 30th, 2022, the EBD35E1J has already received rave reviews from early adopters who appreciate its ease of use and reliability. Whether you're dealing with musty odors or excess moisture in your basement or other living spaces, this powerful yet quiet dehumidifier will get the job done


    • Brand

      Emerson Quiet Kool

    • Model


    • Dehumidifier Type

      Portable Dehumidifier

    • Available On Market


    • Dehumidifier Efficiency (Integrated Energy Factor - L/kWh)


    • Dehumidifier Water Removal Capacity (pints/day)


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