ACCELERA IOTA - ST68 235/60 R17 102H
Pneu de voiture de tourisme

Où acheter ACCELERA IOTA - ST68 235/60 R17 102H

Actuellement, le prix minimum pour ACCELERA IOTA - ST68 235/60 R17 102H est de . Le graphique montre l'évolution du prix du pneu de voiture de tourisme ACCELERA IOTA - ST68 235/60 R17 102H par mois. Le graphique montre le prix minimum, maximum et moyen du pneu de voiture de tourisme ACCELERA IOTA - ST68 235/60 R17 102H au cours des trois dernières années pour Canada.

Coût total de possession (TCO)

Informations sur le coût total de possession.

The approximate cost of owning one ACCELERA IOTA - ST68 235/60 R17 102H tire in the K1A, Ottawa, ON is $6747.0 for an electric car at an average consumption of 20.0 kWh per 100 km.

The approximate cost of owning one ACCELERA IOTA - ST68 235/60 R17 102H tire in the K1A, Ottawa, ON is $ for a gasoline-powered car at an average consumption of 7.5 liters/gallons per 100 km.

The approximate cost of owning one ACCELERA IOTA - ST68 235/60 R17 102H tire in the K1A, Ottawa, ON is $287.59 for a diesel car at an average consumption of 6.5 liters/gallons per 100 km.

The cost of ownership of a tire is calculated for a tire's energy efficiency class based on an average tire mileage of 50,000 km before replacement, rolling resistance that consumes approximately 20% of a vehicle's average fuel consumption, and a 7.5% difference in economy between opposite energy efficiency classes. The cost of ownership of a tire is calculated for the main types of fuel: gasoline, diesel, and electricity. Fuel costs vary from state to state.

The actual cost of ownership for different brands and models of tires of the same energy efficiency class can vary by up to 5%, both up and down.

  • TCO for Diesel

    Coût de propriété:




  • TCO for Electricity

    Coût de propriété:




La description


    • Marque


    • Nom commercial

      IOTA - ST68

    • Modèle

      IOTA - ST68 (7M2317)

    • Désignation de la taille des pneus

      235/60 R17

    • Largeur


    • Rapport


    • Diamètre


    • Classe d'efficacité énergétique


    • Classe de bruit de roulement externe


    • Classe d'adhérence sur sol mouillé


    • Symbole de catégorie de vitesse


    • Indice de capacité de charge


    • Date de mise sur le marché

      [2022, 12, 1]

    • Bruit de roulement externe (dB)
